A simple guide to Digital Decluttering

I don’t know about you, but when I first began my businesses 12 years ago I felt so overwhelmed with the amount of information, passwords, logins, messages, apps, platforms and all stuff digital that was now cluttering my inbox and desktop. And so, twice a year (if I’m lucky) I do a Digital Deep Clean and Decluttering where I purge, organize and minimalize my digital world. It makes daily business work easier and I’m not constantly wasting time hunting around for the things that I could have just in a more easily-findable place.

What is a Digital Decluttering and Why Does it Matter?

Digital decluttering is the process of methodically sorting through and organizing your digital life. This includes your emails, digital files, apps, and even your social media feeds. It’s about creating a digital space that reflects clarity and purpose, mirroring the same principles we might have for physical spaces. Why does it matter? In our technology-driven world, digital clutter can be just as overwhelming and stress-inducing as physical clutter. It can hinder productivity, increase anxiety, and make it difficult to find what you need when you need it. By applying a minimalist yet functional approach to digital decluttering, you're not just tidying up; you're reclaiming your time, energy, and attention. It’s about making room for what truly matters, both online and offline, ensuring that your digital environment supports your goals, values, and well-being.

Having a Digital Decluttering Practice:

1. Makes spending time on the right stuff easier

Imagine your digital space as a cozy, well-organized room where everything has its place, and you can easily find your favorite book or cherished photo. A digital decluttering practice helps you prioritize and focus on the apps, files, and tasks that truly matter, ensuring that your precious time is spent on activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and productivity. It's like having a clear path through a beautiful garden, where you can effortlessly stroll towards your desired destination without any distractions.

2. Creates some calm in an often-overwhelming circumstance

In a world where digital overload can feel like being caught in a noisy, crowded market, having a decluttered digital space is akin to finding a peaceful, sunlit clearing in the midst of a forest. It's a breath of fresh air, reducing stress and allowing you to approach your digital interactions with a sense of calm and purpose. This serene digital environment becomes a sanctuary where you can think clearly, work efficiently, and relax fully.

3. Makes integrating tech less cumbersome in daily work life

Incorporating technology into our daily routines should feel like a gentle, seamless dance rather than a clumsy juggle. A consistent digital decluttering practice ensures that the technology you use complements your workflow smoothly, like a trusted friend who hands you exactly what you need before you even ask. This harmony between you and your digital tools enhances creativity, productivity, and overall satisfaction in your work life, making every task a bit more joyful and a lot less burdensome.

4. Makes it easier to track down the information you’re looking for

We've all been there—frantically searching for that one important email or document in a sea of digital clutter. Now, picture a world where everything is meticulously organized, and finding what you need is as simple as reaching into a well-labeled box and pulling out the exact item you were thinking of. A robust digital decluttering practice transforms the often frustrating hunt for information into a swift, satisfying quest where the treasures you seek are right at your fingertips, ready to be discovered with ease.

Embracing digital decluttering is like giving yourself the gift of time, peace, and efficiency. It's not just about cleaning up; it's about creating a digital environment that supports you. So, pour yourself a cup of something nice, roll up your sleeves, and let's create a digital space that feels like home.

Below, I've distilled a how-to guide into six pivotal areas to help you cultivate a digital space that supports and nurtures your productivity, creativity, and peace of mind as you go from early entrepreneur to seasoned professional. Let's dive in:

1. Passwords + Logins

  • Use a Password Manager: Consolidate all your passwords into one secure app. It's like having a master key that unlocks everything, but far safer. Choose one with a strong reputation for security and ease of use. I have used 1Password and I like it but there are many others.

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of protection to your digital accounts. It’s a bit like having a double lock on your front door.

  • Regularly Update Passwords: Set a schedule to update your passwords. Think of it as seasonal cleaning for your digital home.

2. Managing Digital Files

  • Organize by Category: Sort files into clearly labeled folders (e.g., Work, Personal, Finances). Imagine organizing a library where every book has its shelf.

  • Regular Cleanup Sessions: Dedicate time each month to delete unnecessary files, akin to decluttering a closet.

  • Utilize Cloud Services: Choose a cloud service to back up important files. It's like having a safety deposit box for your digital treasures.

3. File Storage and Management

  • Choose a Logical Structure: Organize your files in a way that makes sense to you, whether by project, date, or another system that fits your workflow.

  • Utilize Desktop Shortcuts Sparingly: Keep your desktop clean by limiting shortcuts. It’s like keeping your work desk tidy for better focus.

  • Name Files Consistently: Develop a naming convention for your files. This makes it easier to search and locate them, similar to alphabetizing books.

4. Inbox Management

  • Unsubscribe from Unnecessary Emails: Keep your inbox less crowded by regularly unsubscribing from newsletters or updates you no longer read. To make this easy, you can use a tool like unroll.me to quickly unsubscribe and then categorize the email lists you’re going to stay on AND it also gives you a daily Unroll that compiles each newsletter into one email. It’s brilliant for decluttering your subscriptions for a quick win.

  • Use Folders and Tags: Organize your emails into folders or tag them by category. It's like sorting mail into different slots.

  • Set Aside Time for Email: Dedicate specific times of the day to check and respond to emails, preventing it from overtaking your day. I check email once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and even though I’ve done lots of work on this, my inbox still stresses me out. I’ve realized that part of that might never stop for me but since I’ve taken more of an active role in organizing it, it’s less stressful for me.

5. Daily Rituals and Efficient Use of Tools

  • Daily 5-Minute Tidying: Allocate five minutes each day to delete unnecessary files, close unused tabs, or organize your workspace. Examples of this are that I organize any design files I have downloaded onto my computer (usually from Canva marketing) and I take one some longer-term projects one little bit at a time like sorting through photos to properly organize them.

  • Leverage Spreadsheets and Google Docs: Use these tools for organizing everything from budgets to project plans. Think of them as your digital notebooks, each with tabs for different subjects.

  • Create Templates: For documents you frequently use, templates can save time and ensure consistency. It's like having a premade mix for your favorite cake, ready to be customized.

6. Apps, Platforms and Digital Courses You’ve Signed Up For

If you’re anything like me, you’ve signed up for loads of courses and apps, and this isn’t about password and login management but just having a roster of all these amazing tools and resources so you don’t forget them!

  • Keep a Running List: Create a Spreadsheet (mine is in Google Docs) that is an ongoing list of the apps, platforms and digital courses I am subscribed to. On this spreadsheet, I list the course / app name, a link to the login page, and relevant details like how much it costs and when I owe that payment. The passwords are stored somewhere more secure like my 1Password App, but this at least keeps a running tab of all the places that I’ve added to support my business or life.

Embarking on this journey to digital decluttering isn't about perfection; it's about progress. Each step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards creating a digital environment that enriches your life rather than overwhelms it. Happy decluttering!


In 2022, I became a Digital Nomad and my first stop was Turkey.


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