Building long-term, sustainable revenue using a “Know, Like, Trust” Framework with clients, One Post at a Time.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, everyone seems to be an expert. That makes it hard for clients to know who to trust. They’re not sure if you know what you’re talking about or just handed over all your copywriting to Chat GPT. Well, one way to create more ease for your potential clients is to show up consistently and have a blog that’s proof of you taking the time to care about them (and your own work) enough to get your expertise out living in the world.

Understand Your Audience

Before you start crafting your content, it’s crucial to deeply understand who you’re speaking to. What are their challenges, needs, and aspirations? It’s important that you narrowly define your Ideal Customer so that you can be sure you’re dialed in to what they are looking to hear. By understanding your audience, you can address their specific pain points, making your sales process smoother and more personalized.

Share Valuable Insights

Each post you publish should offer real value to your readers. This means going beyond surface-level advice and sharing in-depth insights, strategies, and actionable tips that your audience can apply. Whether it’s a step-by-step guide, a deep dive into a complex topic, or a case study, your content should position you as an authority who generously shares expertise.

Be Consistently Helpful

Consistency is key in building trust and establishing yourself as an expert. Decide on a content schedule you can commit to and stick to it. This regularity not only helps in keeping your audience engaged but also signals to search engines that your site is a reliable source of updated information, improving your SEO over time.

Engage and Connect

Engagement goes beyond just publishing content. It’s about creating a two-way conversation with your audience. Encourage comments, ask for feedback, and participate in discussions. This interaction not only builds a community around your brand but also shows that you’re approachable and care about your audience's opinions and needs.

Utilize Storytelling

People connect with stories more than facts alone. Incorporate storytelling into your posts to share your journey, failures, successes, and lessons learned. This approach not only makes your content more relatable and engaging but also humanizes your brand, making you appear more friendly and accessible.

Highlight Client Success Stories

Showcasing the success of your clients or customers through your content can be a powerful way to demonstrate your expertise and the value of your offerings. Share detailed case studies or testimonials that highlight how you’ve helped others achieve their goals. This not only serves as social proof but also illustrates the tangible results of your work.

Offer Free Resources

There’s a huge amount of evidence that providing free, high-value resources through content is critical to getting on your Ideal Customer’s radar, but it’s also a good thing to do so that your work can be inclusive for those you don’t yet have the funds to invest in you. This could be in the form of downloadable guides, templates, checklists, or even free webinars. These resources not only add value for your readers but also serve as a lead generation tool, drawing your audience into your sales funnel.

Be Patient and Persistent

Building a reputation as a friendly, knowledgeable expert doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience, persistence, and a lot of hard work. Keep refining your content strategy based on feedback and analytics, and stay true to your voice and values.


By establishing yourself as a friendly, knowledgeable expert through consistent, valuable content, you can make the sales process easier and more effective. Each post is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, connect with your audience, and build trust that ultimately leads to sales. Remember, it’s not about selling in every post but about providing so much value that your audience naturally turns to you when they’re ready to make a purchase.


A Simple Approach to Creating Captivating, Relevant Content (That Also Gets Google’s Attention)


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